Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Flickr lives on

sf20000501, originally uploaded by brabbit25.

So an online buddy linked me to some pics on his flickr account and suddenly I remember that way back when I once had one of those. It so turns out that mine still exists! Hasn't been used for over a year, but still got 170+ cool pics in it. So we are ressurrecting this effort and in honor of that, here is a lil cartoon from said flickr account to celebrate. :) Long live Flickr!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I am 27 years and a few months old. This basically means that I have lived for:
  • 328 months
  • 1,264 weeks
  • 9,975 days
  • 239,400 hours
  • 14,364,000 minutes
  • and I'm not working out the seconds, because that's just silly.

(NOTE: these are just purely based on the law of averages, coz I'm honestly not mentally unstable enough to work this all out accurately)

Now, having displayed my working experience and qualifications for you, I feel it's well within my rights to say that there is absolutely nothing good about mornings!

How can there be anything positive about something that causes you to have to wake up?

That is all.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Family Reunion

Well March came and went and with it my brother, and if you blinked, you missed it. Shaun was here for a few weeks - just under 4 to be exact and it was great to see him again... and his PS2. You never really know how much you miss someone until they come back. He is doing well for himself over in the land of the Pommies. We went away as a family for a few days at a resort that probably shouldn't have been opened to the public yet as they were still renovating, but all in all it was just good to get away.

Gimme a few days and some pics will follow.