Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Now I've seen it all...

On the way to work this morning, I was unfortunate to be caught behind one of South Africa's notorious taxis.

Nor for all my non-South African friends, these are basically death-traps on wheels; vehicles that are registered to carry no more than 15 people max, its not uncommon to see almost twice that amount crammed in to them. They are a law unto themselves, with no regard whatsoever for other drivers on the road. Basically they are hated by good, law-obiding citizens such as myself.

So, while sitting behind one of these boys in rush hour traffic, I saw something that nearly made me choak on my take-out coffee. On the back, was a bumper sticker which said: "LOVE YOUR ENEMIES AND PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU."

Now I've seen it all!!

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Great Moscow Circus

So a bunch of us went to the Moscow Circus on Saturday evening, was really awesome. Incredible stuff. Didn't know you could make your body do some much weird stuff... Also didn't know Moscow produced such fabulous specimens of women! WOW. It was so pretty, it brought a tear to my eye.


No, but really had a great time. It really is impossible to go see any other circus after seeing this one. The acts were brilliant, the whole show totally professional.

Here are a couple of pics (really badly taken) that does not to justice to the brilliance of the show, but are still worth looking at.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The CEO of the taxi industry is SATAN

So on the way to work today I almost got bumped off the road by a taxi taking over on the wrong side... then they tried to jump the traffic by riding in the lane of ON COMING traffic. Then just as I'm about to turn the corner this ass pulls out right in front of me, making me test my brakes beyond their acceptable limit!


Jeeez, and now I'm stuck at helpdesk.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Go who now?

Yes, this is my good friend, Jay... or is it Goku?

Someone discovered a camera in there phone!! hehehehe.