So it was another blue Monday for me.
I was giving a
buddy a ride to work this morning... (That's not why it was a blue Monday, btw...)
We got in to the car this morning to go to work, only to find it won't start. So, I call the insurance company to come give the car a jump start. Now get a load of this... The phone is answered by someone named Google. Yes, you did read that correctly. I was very tempted to ask her if her last name was Dot-Com, but I refrained.
Anyway, so after 45 minutes and about 4 check-up phone calls from them, the jump-starters arrive. Yippee! He pulls in to the parking lot of my apartment block and asks, "Sir, do you have jumper cables... I seem to have misplaced mine!"
YES! THAT'S WHAT I SAID TOO! "NO! That is why I called you!"
So the story continues...
I then watch him as he removes his battery from his truck and puts it in my car. He then asks me to start my car, which I
very tentitively do.
While the car is still running, he unplugs his battery from my car and plugs my battery back in....
while the car is still running!!!All I can say is... This was one of those typical "Only in Africa" scenes.